Every patient has different esthetic high-ends, They all teach me.
Autologous graft only- rhinoplasty
rhinoplasty using autologous graft is
a battle with the resorption.
Although alloplastic implants like silicone is biologically innert, if there are no complications,
There are always capsule made around Silicone, and if it gets infected, the capsular contracture always happen and the patients suffer from it
Tertiary, Quaternary operations preveils in recent years, those are all from the complications of alloplastic implants. Goretex also has a tendency of shrinkage in the long run.
Goretex has its longevity, and even the capsule around it is not so firm, the typical " operated-look" has a tendecy of demarcated line on the dorsum, lowered and tortuous dorsal line.
Autograft is suplied by your own blood after 5-10 days, then it becomes your body
But if the thickness of autograft is too thick, the blood can not reach to the deepest part of the graft, so it looses its volume until the graft becomes stable.
So the equilibrium of graft take and graft loose continues until 6 month-1year, but after that, the graft will be taken as a part of your body supplied by your own blood.
The survival rate reported from 30% to 80%, but the higher rate of graft taken depends on the proper methods and proper skills to deal with in autologous rhinoplasty.
Here needs the profound clinical decisions : what to do, how to do

Absolutely slight overcorrection will be the best choice for the autograft, too much graft will be sometimes make your 1 year after the surgery miserabel, too less graft will be all dissapeared.
The orthotopic graft ( where the graft has same function of its original biology) : ear cartilage applied into septum, dermis applied underneath the nasal skin, has better survival rate.
Too much dermal tissue onto the nasal bone has a tendecy of rapid resorption, the body only allow resonable amount of autograft at one time. If it is not enough, one more graft at the different operation will be needed.
So this "homeostasis" enables the nose to take a reasonable piece of graft to be taken at one operation. Every single patient reveals different amount of graft-taking.
If the amount of graft is not enough after the primary operation, another session of operation will be needed for the enhancement. For the fear of this, If too much graft was applied, more severe consequences will be encountered.